Application Fee Waiver

The Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs - Diversity Programs is pleased to offer application fee waivers to US citizens and US permanent residents who demonstrate a financial hardship, current or former members of the United States Armed Forces, or those who have participated in specified organizations and training programs listed below. Please click the plus sign (+) symbol below to view a full listing of guidance about the application fee waiver process and to complete the request form for the respective school in which you are applying. Allow at least three business days to process your request, and you will receive an email once your application fee waiver request has been reviewed. 

Eligibility Requirements for Fee Waivers:

Organization Affiliation Eligibility

Applicants who are current or past members of the following organizations may qualify for an application fee waiver. Eligible applicants should complete the fee waiver request and upload a copy of an official certificate of participation.

  •     AmeriCorps
  •     Institute for the Recruitment of Teachers
  •     Leadership Alliance
  •     Lewis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-AMP) programs/ VA-NC Alliance
  •     Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program
  •     Mellon Mays Graduate Initiative
  •     National College Advising Corps
  •     National GEM Consortium
  •     Peace Corps
  •     Project 1000
  •     Summer Institute for Literary and Cultural Studies
  •     Teach for America
Active Duty/Veteran Eligibility

Applicants who are active duty service members or veterans may qualify for an application fee waiver.  Eligible applicants should complete the fee waiver request and upload one of the following documents:

  • DD Form 214 – Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
  • DD Form 256 – Honorable Discharge Certificate
  • WD AGO – Enlistment Record
  • Military orders
  • Military identification card
  • Veteran identification card (Virginia)
Need-Based Eligibility

Applicants who are receiving unemployment benefits, who have received a GRE fee reduction, or who are undergraduate students with a student aid index (SAI) of ≤0 may qualify for a need-based fee waiver.

Eligible applicants should provide one of the following documents:

  • An unemployment benefits statement dated within the previous six months.
  • A GRE fee reduction certificate from the Educational Testing Service (ETS).
  • A FAFSA Submission Summary indicating a student aid index (SAI) of ≤0 for the current academic year.

Note: Applicants who are applying to graduate programs while not concurrently enrolled in an undergraduate degree are not eligible for the need-based fee waiver based on SAI.

Minority Serving Institution Eligibility

Applicants who have earned or are in the process of earning an undergraduate or graduate degree from a Minority Serving Institution (MSI) on the following list may qualify for an application fee waiver. Eligible applicants should complete a fee waiver request and select the MSI which they attend from the drop-down menu.

Fee Waiver Eligible Minority Serving Institutions


Adams State CollegeMorgan State University
Alabama A & M UniversityMorris College
Alabama State UniversityMount St. Mary's College
Alaska Pacific UniversityMurray State College
Albany State UniversityNew Jersey City University
Alcorn State UniversityNew Mexico State University-Grants
Allan Hancock CollegeNorfolk State University
Allen UniversityNorth Carolina A & T State University
Alliant International UniversityNorth Carolina Central University
American Indian College of the Assemblies of GodNortheast Wisconsin Technical College
Antelope Valley CollegeNortheastern Illinois University
Arizona Western CollegeNortheastern Oklahoma A&M College
Arkansas Baptist CollegeNortheastern State University
Atlantic CollegeNorthern New Mexico College
Atlantic Union CollegeNorthern Oklahoma College
Bacone CollegeNorthland Pioneer College
Bakersfield CollegeOakwood University
Bayamon Central UniversityOklahoma State University - Oklahoma City
Bayamon University CollegeOklahoma State University Institute of Technology
Benedict CollegeOur Lady of the Lake University
Bennett College for WomenPaine College
Bethune-Cookman UniversityPaul Quinn College
Bluefield State CollegePhilander Smith College
Boricua CollegePhoenix College
Bowie State UniversityPonce University College
Broward CollegePontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico - Arecibo
Butte CollegePrairie View A & M University
California State University - BakersfieldPuerto Rico Conservatory of Music
California State University - Monterey BayRio Salado College
California State University - StanislausRogers State University
Cameron UniversityRose State College
Cañada CollegeRust College
Caribbean University – BayamonSaint Augustine’s College
Caribbean University – PonceSaint Paul’s College
Carl Albert State CollegeSaint Peter's College
Carlos Albizu University – MiamiSavannah State University
Central State UniversitySelma University
Central Wyoming CollegeSeminole State College
Centro Universitario de YaucoShasta College
Cerritos CollegeShaw University
Chaffey CollegeSouth Carolina State University
Cheyney University of PennsylvaniaSouth Plains College
Citrus CollegeSouth Suburban College
Claflin UniversitySoutheastern Oklahoma State University
Clark Atlanta UniversitySouthern University and A & M College
Clinton Junior CollegeSouthern University at New Orleans
Coastal Bend CollegeSouthern University at Shreveport
Cochise CollegeSouthwestern Christian College
College of Mount St. VincentSouthwestern Oklahoma State University
College of the DesertSpelman College
College of the RedwoodsSt. Augustine College
College of the SequoiasSt. Mary's University of San Antonio
Columbia Basin CollegeSt. Thomas University
Concordia College-SelmaStillman College
Connors State CollegeSul Ross State University
Coppin State UniversityTalladega College
Crafton Hills CollegeTechnological College of San Juan
CUNY College of TechnologyTennessee State University
CUNY John Jay CollegeTexas A&M International University
CUNY Lehman CollegeTexas A&M University - Kingsville
Delaware State UniversityTexas College
Denmark Technical CollegeTexas Southern University
Dillard UniversityTrinidad State Junior College
East Central UniversityTroy University
Eastern Arizona CollegeTugaloo College
Eastern Oklahoma State CollegeTuskegee University
Eastern University Nueva EsperanzaUniversidad Adventista de Las Antillas
Edward Waters CollegeUniversidad Central del Caribe
Elizabeth City State UniversityUniversidad del Este
Escuela de Artes Plasticas de Puerto RicoUniversidad del Turabo
Evergreen Valley CollegeUniversidad del Turabo - Yabucoa
Fayetteville State UniversityUniversidad del Turabo-Cayey
Fisk UniversityUniversidad Metropolitana
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical UniversityUniversidad Metropolitana - Aguadilla
Florida Memorial UniversityUniversidad Metropolitana - Bayamon
Fort Lewis CollegeUniversidad Metropolitana - Jayuya
Fort Valley State UniversityUniversidad Politecnica de Puerto Rico
Galveston CollegeUniversity of Alaska
Grambling State UniversityUniversity of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Grayson CollegeUniversity of Houston - Downtown
H. Councill Trenholm State Technical CollegeUniversity of LaVerne
Hampton UniversityUniversity of Maryland Eastern Shore
Harris-Stowe State UniversityUniversity of New Mexico - Taos
Hartnell CollegeUniversity of New Mexico - Valencia
Heritage UniversityUniversity of New Mexico-Gallup Campus
Howard UniversityUniversity of North Carolina at Pembroke
Huston-Tillotson UniversityUniversity of Puerto Rico - Arecibo
Idaho State UniversityUniversity of Puerto Rico - Carolina
Imperial Valley CollegeUniversity of Puerto Rico - Cayey
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - AguadillaUniversity of Puerto Rico - Humacao
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - AreciboUniversity of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - BarranquitasUniversity of Puerto Rico - Medical Sciences
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - FajardoUniversity of Puerto Rico - Ponce
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - GuayamaUniversity of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras
Inter American University of Puerto Rico – PonceUniversity of Puerto Rico - Utuado
Inter American University of Puerto Rico - San GermanUniversity of Texas - Brownsville
Interdenominational Theological CenterUniversity of Texas - Permian Basin
J F Drake State Technical CollegeUniversity of the District of Columbia
Jackson State UniversityUniversity of the Sacred Heart
Jarvis Christian CollegeUniversity of the Virgin Islands
John Dewey CollegeUtah State University-College of Eastern Utah
Johnson C Smith UniversityVaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
Kentucky State UniversityVentura College
Lane CollegeVirginia Commonwealth University
Langston UniversityVirginia State University
Le Moyne-Owen CollegeVirginia Union University
Lincoln UniversityVirginia University of Lynchburg
Lincoln University of PennsylvaniaVoorhees College
Livingstone CollegeWest Virginia State University
Metropolitan College of New YorkWestern Texas College
Miles CollegeWhittier College
Mission CollegeWilberforce University
Mississippi Valley State UniversityWiley College
Montana State University-BillingsWinston-Salem State University
Montana State University-NorthernWoodbury University
Morehouse CollegeXavier University of Louisiana



Application Fee Waiver Submission Guidance:

Step 1

Before beginning the application fee waiver form, please make sure that you have first created an online account by establishing a username and password to start your graduate school application.  If you have not created an account, you will be required to do so before you can access the application fee waiver form.  Select the respective school for your graduate program from the Start Your Graduate Application accordion option below and select "First-time users" to create your online account.

Start Your Graduate Application

Step 3

Complete all questions asked and upload any requested documentation to confirm your eligibility status, if applicable.

Important information to know in processing an application fee waiver request:

  •     You must have your application started before requesting a fee waiver.
  •     You cannot be granted a fee waiver after payment of the application fee.
  •     International applicants are not eligible for application fee waivers.

Application fee waiver requests are accepted up to a week prior to the application submission deadline for each program. Within a week of the application submission deadline, no application fee waiver requests will be granted. If you are unsure of your program’s deadline, then consult the school’s website.


Have an application fee waiver code from a Department/Graduate program?

If you have received an application fee waiver code from a UVA Department and/or graduate program, you will select the affiliated school in Step 2 and enter the code provided by the graduate program/department. Once your code has been received, you will continue through graduate admission process. Your application fee waiver code will automatically skip the payment page. 


Resources for International Graduate Students 

In hopes of increasing access to our graduate programs, the following UVA Graduate Schools provide support to offer application fee waivers to international students. All international students who meet the eligibility criteria from the respective UVA School will automatically have an application fee waiver applied at the time of application submission and will not be prompted for payment. We invite you to click the plus sign (+) symbol below to learn more about the UVA Schools offering support to international students.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS)
School of Data Science | Ph.D. Graduate Program
School of Data Science | M.S. in Data Science, Residential
School of Data Science | M.S. in Data Science, Online
School of Engineering & Applied Science (SEAS) | Graduate Programs

Application fee waiver information for Fall 2024 applicants to all graduate programs:

School of Medicine | Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs (BIMS)